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HomeClassesClass 8Model Activity Task 2022 January Class 8| English | Part-1 মডেল অ্যাক্টিভিটি...

Model Activity Task 2022 January Class 8| English | Part-1 মডেল অ্যাক্টিভিটি টাস্ক-২০২২| জানুয়ারী অষ্টম  শ্রেণী |  ইংরাজী| পার্ট –১ |

Model Activity Task 2022 January

Class 8| English | Part-1

মডেল অ্যাক্টিভিটি টাস্ক-২০২২| জানুয়ারী

অষ্টম  শ্রেণী |  ইংরাজী| পার্ট –১ |

পূর্ণমান- ২০

Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

Now the boy whose name was Jon, had always obeyed his mother. So he went about his farm work with a heavy heart but did not again mention the sea. 

One day, he had been walking behind the plough. He all but ran over a tiny green turtle on a clod of dirt. He picked the turtle up and set it on his head where he knew it would be safe. When he was done with ploughing, Jon plucked the turtle from his head. To his utter surprise he found that it had turned into a tiny green fairy man that stood upon his palm and bowed. 

  1. Tick the correct answer: 1 × 2 = 2 

(i) Jon was engaged in

(a) domestic work    (b) motor work          (c) farm work 

 (ii) The tiny turtle was found on the 

(a) plough      (b) clod of dirt         (c) seaside

  1. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements in the given boxes. Give supporting statements for your answers: 2 × 3 = 6  

(i) Jon had never obeyed his mother. F

Supporting Statement:  Jon Had always obeyed his mother

(ii) The little turtle that Jon found was green in colour. T

Supporting StatementHe all but ran over a tiny green turtle on a clod of dirt. 

(iii) The little turtle converted into a beautiful mermaid. F  

Supporting Statement:  He found that it had turned into a tiny green fairy man


Match the following words with their antonyms: 1 × 4 = 4

Ans : 

Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns
(i) tiny  huge 
(ii) safe  unsafe 
(iii) obey  disobey 
(iv) heavy  light 

Write a paragraph in about 80 words on ‘Protection of Wild Life’. You may use the following points: 8

Points : disturbance of ecological balance – man’s greed and selfishness causing gradual extinction of wild life – deforestation, less space for accommodation of wild life – urgent need for protection of wild animals – conclusion

Ans :

Protection of Wildlife

Wildlife is important to maintain the ecological balance of nature and maintains the food chain. It provides useful substances and wild animal product. But unfortunately, human’s ever-increasing demands and greed that have led to deforestation and habitat destruction. For development and urbanization, man has chopped down trees to build dams, highways, and towns and this has forced the animals to retreat further and further into the receding forests. Poachers kill the animals for the illegal trading of their body parts.As a result of that, the ecosystem and the balance of nature is deteriorating. The wildlife is an important factor of our ecosystem, without their existence, the ecological balance will turn to an imbalanced state. Though we have wildlife conservation laws in the country it has not reduced the destruction of wildlife as expected. People need to feel the importance of wildlife and try to protect it from being destroyed.

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